00 04/08/2009 14:11
sessionstart() error
I looked around for an English support thread, but couldn't find one. I also looked at the threads here, I know only a little Italian so used babelfish, and while 2 other people having the same problem as I am, I didn't see a solution to it. So I hope it's okay to post this here, or please, direct me to the correct place to do it :)

I installed the English version of Seri-fiction to two sites - the first one works fine, no problems there and the user I installed it for loves the script :)

But my own site, on a different host, is coming up with errors:

1) Address of the site: dreams.crystalfires.net/fanfic/
2) used Browser: Firefox 3.5
3) you have tried on the site and the forum? Yes
4) Problem: sessionstart() errors

on index.php after installation:
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/syvispa/public_html/dreams.crystalfires.net/fanfic/inc/informazioni.php:1) in /home2/syvispa/public_html/dreams.crystalfires.net/fanfic/inc/sessione.php on line 18

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home2/syvispa/public_html/dreams.crystalfires.net/fanfic/inc/informazioni.php:1) in /home2/syvispa/public_html/dreams.crystalfires.net/fanfic/inc/sessione.php on line 18

and I can't login, instead get this:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/syvispa/public_html/dreams.crystalfires.net/fanfic/inc/informazioni.php:1) in /home2/syvispa/public_html/dreams.crystalfires.net/fanfic/auth.php on line 42

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home2/syvispa/public_html/dreams.crystalfires.net/fanfic/inc/informazioni.php:1) in /home2/syvispa/public_html/dreams.crystalfires.net/fanfic/auth.php on line 42

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/syvispa/public_html/dreams.crystalfires.net/fanfic/inc/informazioni.php:1) in /home2/syvispa/public_html/dreams.crystalfires.net/fanfic/auth.php on line 43

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/syvispa/public_html/dreams.crystalfires.net/fanfic/inc/informazioni.php:1) in /home2/syvispa/public_html/dreams.crystalfires.net/fanfic/auth.php on line 47
[Modificato da ariane179254 04/08/2009 14:11]